Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us vs. Them ... Us and Them

There is always going to us vs. them because there is always going to be conflict in the world. But I don't know if some conflicts really need people dying. Most conflicts can be solved but some cannot. Even now there are conflicts causing deaths like how wars are started. It is usually because people's opinion or thoughts on something don't quite match. But wars still end either by making a treaty that fulfills everybody's wants or one side looses which is like the winning side of the war wins the argument. Some times conflicts can be solved by voting which is majority over minority. In The Crucible it is like that most of Salem believes there are witches and only a few people don't believe in them but they are outmatch by the people that believe in them. Most of the people that are accused are not accused because they were thought to be witches but because people didn't like them or they had something people wanted. Like how some people got accused as witches because they had land or money. Even now things are like this people still accuse other people because they want more power, money, etc. This shows how some people are greedy and all they want is to benefit themselves.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with how you said that conflicts are just based on different opinions of people and many of them can be solved.
