Monday, May 2, 2011

Short Story

Mick and Match drove by the house the third time in thirty minutes making sure nobody was in the house. Also making sure the neighbors was not paying attention. They stopped a bit past the house and parked. They got out and took a look at their surroundings. Then when they were sure nobody was watching they went to the air conditioner in front of the house. They started working as fast as they could and started unscrewing the air conditioner from the ground. After ten minutes they were finished and moved the air conditioner into the truck. A month later Mick and Match were driving by this same house again and saw that there was another air conditioner. So they decided to take this one too. Twenty minutes later they were back with their tools and started working. When they were halfway done somebody across the street suddenly came out. So they hid their stuff behind the air conditioner and got behind a car. Two minutes later that guy got into his car as drove away.  After a couple minutes they got back to work and in five minutes they were done. They did not know if it was because they got better or because they were scared so they worked faster. That night when the owners of the house got back and realized that they had their air conditioner stolen again they made a resolve to have better security. So in two days they got a new air conditioner and a cage. They put the cage around the air conditioner and made sure to secure it to the ground. Then the locked the door up with three different locks. Next they had a guy come in and install a security camera. They were sure that this time they would not get their air conditioner stolen again. They believed that even if the thieves came and saw this they would not go through all the trouble just to steal a air conditioner.


  1. A very interesting idea of how the intense it is for thieves to go through so much trouble to steal an air conditioner.

  2. Interesting story but very short. You could try describing the robbers, and why they would take two air conditioners. You could also describe who lives in the house.
