Monday, May 16, 2011

Analysis of Tell Tale Heart

Throughout the whole story from the beginning the narrator said that he was not crazy and insane, but most likely if a person is really trying to convince somebody that they are not crazy they are actually trying to convince themselves. The narrator says the reason why he felt that he had to kill the old man was because of his evil vulture eye. The eye had a film and was blue causing the narrator to feel like the eye was evil. The narrator again tried to convince us that he was not insane by saying that he spent seven nights carefully watching the old man and each night he did not kill him but on the eighth night he did. If he really was sane I do not think that he would go and kill the old man even waiting seven nights. I would think that only a crazy person would do this and go through all the trouble just to get rid of a evil eye. In the end he says that the heart of the old man is beating. But the old man is dead and he even dissembled the body. If this person was really sane I do not think that he would be able to hear the heartbeat of a dissembled body. I think that hearing the heartbeat was actually a sign of his guilt. The heartbeat could have been his own heart beating and he thought it was the old man's or the heartbeat could even have been his own imagination.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Short Story

Mick and Match drove by the house the third time in thirty minutes making sure nobody was in the house. Also making sure the neighbors was not paying attention. They stopped a bit past the house and parked. They got out and took a look at their surroundings. Then when they were sure nobody was watching they went to the air conditioner in front of the house. They started working as fast as they could and started unscrewing the air conditioner from the ground. After ten minutes they were finished and moved the air conditioner into the truck. A month later Mick and Match were driving by this same house again and saw that there was another air conditioner. So they decided to take this one too. Twenty minutes later they were back with their tools and started working. When they were halfway done somebody across the street suddenly came out. So they hid their stuff behind the air conditioner and got behind a car. Two minutes later that guy got into his car as drove away.  After a couple minutes they got back to work and in five minutes they were done. They did not know if it was because they got better or because they were scared so they worked faster. That night when the owners of the house got back and realized that they had their air conditioner stolen again they made a resolve to have better security. So in two days they got a new air conditioner and a cage. They put the cage around the air conditioner and made sure to secure it to the ground. Then the locked the door up with three different locks. Next they had a guy come in and install a security camera. They were sure that this time they would not get their air conditioner stolen again. They believed that even if the thieves came and saw this they would not go through all the trouble just to steal a air conditioner.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Marie Digby: Miss Invisible

Marie Digby: Miss Invisible

There's a girl 
Who sits under the bleachers 
Just another day eating alone 
And though she smiles 
There is something just hiding 
And she can't find a way to relate 
She just goes unnoticed 
As the crowd passes by 
And she'll pretend to be busy 
When inside she just wants to cry 
She'll say... 


Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Invisible 
Look a little closer, I really really want you to put yourself in her shoes
Take another look at the face of Miss Always Invisible 
Look a little harder and maybe then you will see why she waits for the day 
When you'll ask her her name 

The begining, in the first weeks of class 
She did everything to try and fit in 
But the others they couldnt seem to get past all the things that mismatched on the surface 
And she would close her eyes when they left and she fell down the stairs 
And the more that they joked 
And the more that they screamed 
She retreated to where she is now 
And she'll sing... 


Take a little look at the life of Miss Always Invisible 
Look a little harder I really really want you to put yourself in her shoes
Take a little look at the face of Miss Always Invisible 
Look a little closer and maybe then you will see why she waits for the day that you will ask her...her name 

And one day just the same as the last 
Just the days been in counting the time 
Came a boy that sat under the bleachers just a little bit further behind...

This song is basically about a girl that gets rejected from the life at school. This is very true even in real life because there is always going to be that one or two people that gets left out and basically rejected by everyone. That person is the most likely to get bullied and made fun of. There is a girl that sits on the bleachers all alone eating. She tries to hide how she really feels by smiling but inside she wants to cry. In the beginning she would try to fit in but the other people could not get past the surface. So maybe she looked different and people did not like that. They did not try to look deeper inside and see what she really was like. The more the other left her out of things the more she felt like she did not belong. Then one day a boy came and just like her sat on the bleachers. In the chorus it tells you to not look at just a person's surface but deep inside and see how they really are. And to try to imagine yourself in that person's shoes and feel how they are feeling. 

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Today Native Americans are stereotypically seen as drunks. Even in documentaries they are portrayed as that. But in reality this alcohol is a very big problem in the reservations. Another big problem is the reservations themselves. Before the Europeans arrived the Native Americans had a peaceful life. but when the Europeans arrived their diseases killed a lot of them. Then the Native Americans got killed too because they would not give up their land. The Native Americans were given land after they were driven off their own land. The land that they were given was land that nobody else wanted and was not good land to farm and use. But then it was found out the land they were living on had huge oil reserves and oil companies would dig underneath the land to get there. The Native Americans did not know about this and the ones that did could not do anything about it so it was like being cheated out of their land two times. Also even inside the reservations they are not really respected by the other people. Putting them in reservations was trying to help them save their culture but instead the culture did not survive and they got separated from the world.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Propaganda 2011

Propaganda is information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation,etc. Propaganda has always been used for good or bad. Nowadays it is used a lot. All the ads and commercials are propaganda and you see it all over the place. It is like you can not escape propaganda. It is everywhere. It is in the streets, on the TV, on the radio, and on the internet. A lot of companies  have ads or commercials because they want more people to buy their products but the things they are selling might not always be good. There are a lot of beer commercials and it shows people having a good time and enjoying themselves but they never show the results of drinking and by doing that they make a lot of people think drinking alcohol is okay. Fast food restaurants are something else that does this. McDonald's use kids getting happy meals. This makes the kids watching the commercials want happy meals making the parents buy it for them. Another factor is that the happy meals come with toys. But in reality McDonald's is bad for you body and by making kids start eating from such a young age is like getting them addicted to it and not being able to stop.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Free Response Beat Street

I really liked this movie. I think it is a really good movie. It not only talked about dancing, graffiti, and DJ-ing but also the love for all of those things by different people. Lee was a break dancer, Ramo was a artist, Double K love music. For all of them each thing was their life. I thought the break dancing moves looked really cool and looked like they were really hard to do. The things that Ramo drew were actually each a piece of art, nowadays you don't really see those just a graffiti that is not art. I also liked the way he could use anything as a place for his art like the trains and how he got excited just from seeing a whit train and thinking of it as a canvas. When Double K was DJ-ing it really showed in the way he was so concentrated in his work and was really proud of the things he made. I liked how he took all sorts of sounds that he thought was cool and just mashed them all together to make one piece of music. Also something that is really important is the passion and the pride they had for the things that they were doing.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hungry for Attention

In Black Boy, Richard Wright seems like he is always hungry. He is hungry for attention and hungry for food. In the first chapter he sets his house on fire saying he did it to see how it would look like. Killed a kitten to get back at his dad. Becoming a drunkard because he went into a saloon and because he got money he did what ever the people told him to do. And he runs away from the orphanage because he is scared of the people there. I think that these are actually excuses. The excuses might be true but a bigger part might be he actually wants attention so he does those things to get people to notice him. He was always hungry because they were very poor and he always blamed his dad for leaving them and for them being always hungry. He associated his dad with hunger.  He is not alone in his cravings. A lot of people like to get attention because of many reasons, they might be ignored and feel that nobody notices them and feel the need to do things to get people's attention for them. For Richard this is natural because he doesn't get much attention from his parents so he would do things to get attention.