Monday, February 21, 2011

Propaganda 2011

Propaganda is information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation,etc. Propaganda has always been used for good or bad. Nowadays it is used a lot. All the ads and commercials are propaganda and you see it all over the place. It is like you can not escape propaganda. It is everywhere. It is in the streets, on the TV, on the radio, and on the internet. A lot of companies  have ads or commercials because they want more people to buy their products but the things they are selling might not always be good. There are a lot of beer commercials and it shows people having a good time and enjoying themselves but they never show the results of drinking and by doing that they make a lot of people think drinking alcohol is okay. Fast food restaurants are something else that does this. McDonald's use kids getting happy meals. This makes the kids watching the commercials want happy meals making the parents buy it for them. Another factor is that the happy meals come with toys. But in reality McDonald's is bad for you body and by making kids start eating from such a young age is like getting them addicted to it and not being able to stop.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Free Response Beat Street

I really liked this movie. I think it is a really good movie. It not only talked about dancing, graffiti, and DJ-ing but also the love for all of those things by different people. Lee was a break dancer, Ramo was a artist, Double K love music. For all of them each thing was their life. I thought the break dancing moves looked really cool and looked like they were really hard to do. The things that Ramo drew were actually each a piece of art, nowadays you don't really see those just a graffiti that is not art. I also liked the way he could use anything as a place for his art like the trains and how he got excited just from seeing a whit train and thinking of it as a canvas. When Double K was DJ-ing it really showed in the way he was so concentrated in his work and was really proud of the things he made. I liked how he took all sorts of sounds that he thought was cool and just mashed them all together to make one piece of music. Also something that is really important is the passion and the pride they had for the things that they were doing.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hungry for Attention

In Black Boy, Richard Wright seems like he is always hungry. He is hungry for attention and hungry for food. In the first chapter he sets his house on fire saying he did it to see how it would look like. Killed a kitten to get back at his dad. Becoming a drunkard because he went into a saloon and because he got money he did what ever the people told him to do. And he runs away from the orphanage because he is scared of the people there. I think that these are actually excuses. The excuses might be true but a bigger part might be he actually wants attention so he does those things to get people to notice him. He was always hungry because they were very poor and he always blamed his dad for leaving them and for them being always hungry. He associated his dad with hunger.  He is not alone in his cravings. A lot of people like to get attention because of many reasons, they might be ignored and feel that nobody notices them and feel the need to do things to get people's attention for them. For Richard this is natural because he doesn't get much attention from his parents so he would do things to get attention.